

122 - 6th International Symposium on Steel Bridges

ISBN: 8023971689

Autor: ECCS

Editora: CMM

Número de Páginas: 260

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2006

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Contém as comunicações apresentadas neste congresso que teve lugar em Praga, República Checa nos dias 31 de Maio a 2 de Junho de 2006.
Architectural and Structural Design of Composite Bridges
Jirí Stráský

Some Recent Designs of Composite Bridges in Spain
Juan A. Sobrino

Steel and Composite Bridges Applied in a Project for a Railway Line Optimization
Jirí Jirásko and Pavel Horácek

Urban Steel Bridges and Footbridges over Rivers
José Romo and Hugo Corres

Helix Pedestrian Bridge
David McMullen

Design and Construction of the Merxem Bridge – a Single Tubular Arch
Philippe Van Bogaert

Innovative Building Methods for Bridges with Small and Medium Spans – VFT and VFT-WIB
Victor Schmitt and Richard Buba

Patch Loading Resistance of Longitudinally Stiffened Plate Girders
Martin Seitz, Ulrike Kuhlmann and Benjamin Braun

Erection and Floating of the „Košická“Bridge in Bratislava
Jaroslav Korbelár et al.

Three Launched Composite Bridges Recently Designed and Built in Spain
José M. Simón-Talero and Ramón M. Merino

New Steel Bridges in Czech Republic
Tomáš Rotter

Tiber Bridge: Spectacular Launching in the Eternal City
Andrea Biasi

Comparative Study of Steel Cable Stayed Bridges with Tower Heights of 1/5 and 1/10 of a Center Span Length
Masatsugu Nagai et al.

Weathering Steel Bridges for the A34 Chieveley M4 J13 Improvement
David Place, David Dickson and Darren James

Network Arch Bridge in Bechyne
Ladislav Šašek and Radek Falár

The Evolution of Mott MacDonald´s ‘U’ Type Railway Bridge
Ian Palmer and A.G.Wilkins

The Bridge over Ohre River by Loket
Jaroslav Korbelár et al.

Widening of San Timoteo and Canero Viaducts
Manuel Biedma et al.

Enhancement of Steel Bridges by Weld Improvement Methods
Thomas Ummenhofer and Imke Weich

Monitoring of Dynamic Parameters of Steel Bridges by Vibration Tests
Jan Bien, Pawel Rawa and Jaroslav Zwolski

Lifetime Multi-objective Optimization of Maintenance of Existing Steel Structures
Luis C. Neves, Dan M. Frangopol and Paulo S. Cruz

The Messina Strait Bridge – Design Requirements for Economic Construction and Maintenance of the Steel Structure
Ian Firth and G.Fiammenghi

Outstanding Chinese Steel Bridges under Construction
Ge Yaojun and H. F. Xiang

Challenges in Construction of Stonecutters Bridge and Progress Update
Brian W. West, et al.

Examples of New Built Footbridges in Poland
Jan Biliszczuk et al.

The Honour of Steel, Used in Construction of Calatrava´s Bridge and the other Bridges in Venice
Yesim K. Aktuglu

Posters (on CDROM only):

Group A

Realized Projects of Road and Railway Bridges with Lower Deck
Antonín Pechal and Vojtech Konecný

Contemporary Steel Bridge Spans with Truck Structure on Breakstone Ballast
Edmond Budka, Wojciech Lorenz and Jozef Rabiega

Integrated Steel Fly-overs for Railway Contrasting a Historical Multiple-arch Concrete Viaduct
Bart De Pauw and Philippe Van Bogaert

Upper Construction of the Bridge on the River Limpopo, Zimbabwe
Totyu Daalov and Borislav Daalov

Structure, Design and Construction of a Steel Orthotropic Bridge in Sofia
Borislav Bankov, Doncho Partov and Dobromir Dinev

The Bridge over Labe River in Brandýs
Miroslav Kroupar et al.

Degradation Processes in Bridge Steels of the Turn of the 19th Century
Lukasz Konat, Grzegorz Pekalski and Józef Rabiega

Orthotropic Decks of Slovak Railway Bridges
Richard Hlinka

Fatigue Crack of Welds and their Repair in Steel Spans of Railroad Bridge
Zbigniew Z. Manko

Group B

Fatigue Cracks in Orthotropic Decks: Possible Alternatives
Hans De Backer, Phillippe Van Bogaert and Amelie Outtier

The Way of Fracture Toughness Estimation
Aleš Lubas, Tomáš Rotter and Václav Mentl

Experimental Verification of Lateral Buckling of Steel Tied Arch Bridge
Amelie Outtier et al.

Contribution to the Methods of Analysis of Composite Steel - Concrete Beams, Regarding Rheology
Doncho Partov and Vesselin Kantchev

Hierarchical Classification of Damages of Steel Railway Bridges
Jan Bien and Krzysztof Jakubowski

Analysis of Steel Shell of a Road Bridge Made of Corrugated Plates During Backfillin
D. Beben and Zbigniew Z. Manko

Shear Deformation Impact on Deflection of Composite Bridge Girders
Ján Bujnák and Jaroslav Odrobinák

Service Load of Railway Bridges
Josef Vican, Jozef Gocál and Branislav Meliš

Probabilistic Approach to the Ultimate Strength of Compression Chords of Railway Bridges Considering Corrosion
Josef Vican and František Kurcík

Improved Buckling Curves for the Design of Compressed Steel Plated Elements
Ulrike Kuhlmann, H.P. Gunther and Benjamin Braun

Influence of Web Thickness Reduction in the Shear Resistance of Non-prismatic Tapered Plate Girders
Paulo S. Cruz, Lúcio Lourenco, Hélder Quintela and Manuel F. Santos

The Cable-Stayed Bridge across Vistula River in Plock
Nikola Hajdin and Bratislav Stipanic

Reconstruction of Sloboda Bridge across the Danube in Novi Sad
Nikola Hajdin and Bratislav Stipanic


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