

083 - Guide de conception pour les planchers minces à poutres incorperées

ISBN: 9291470007

Autor: ECCS

Editora: CMM

Número de Páginas: 110

Idioma: Fancês

Data Edição: 1996

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Este documento contém informação base para a aplicação de vigas encastradas, de acordo com o Método Sueco, e focando três tipos em particular: SFB, IFB e THQ. São também brevemente descritos a história e o desenvolvimento de vários outros tipos.
Esta publicação fornece informação essencial para o dimensionamento, verificação e boa-prática. São apresentados gráficos de dimensionamento, para que possa haver uma escolha das dimensões globais. Presta-se especial atenção à composição com lajes ocas e à resistência ao fogo.

This document contains background information on the application of steel built-in beams according to the Swedish Method, and focusing on three types in particular: SFB, IFB and THQ. History and development of various types are briefly described.
Essential information is provided for the design, verification and good practice. Design graphs are presented in order to choose proper global dimensions. Based on Eurocodes, additional rules have been driven for the verification of aspects typical of steel built-in beams. Examples of connections are included for good practice. Special attention is paid to the combination with hollow core slabs and to fire resistance.
1. Introduction
1.1 Concept description
1.2 Historic development
1.3 Scope of Document

2. Structural Design
2.1 Floor Construction
2.2 Structural Scheme
2.3 Fire Protection
2.4 Beam Depth
2.5 Beam Selection

3. Requirements and verification
3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Verification Procedure
3.3 Classification of Cross-Sections

4. Single-Span Beams
4.1 Transverse Bending of the Bottom Plate
4.2 Bending Resistance of Class 1 and 2 Sections
4.3 Shear Resistance
4.4 Torsional Resistance

5. Multi-Span Beams
5.1 Global Analysis
5.2 Ultimate Limit State
5.3 Serviceability Limit State

6. Fabrication and Application
6.1 Welding Process
6.2 Pre-Cambering
6.3 Durability

7. Erection and Connections
7.1 Frame Erection
7.2 Joints of Single-Span Beams to Columns
7.3 Joints of Single-Storey Columns to Multi-Span Beam
7.4 Beam Splices in a Gerber System

8. Special Issues on Hollow Core Slabs
8.1 Connections in Floor Slab
8.2 Brittle Failure of Hollow Core Slabs
8.3 Sound Insulation

9. Fire Resistance
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Unprotected Beams
9.3 Protection of Bottom Flange
9.4 Additional Reinforcement

10. Literature

Appendix A: Cross-Sectional properties
Appendix B: Preliminary Design of Single-Span Beam
Appendix C: Worked Example: Single-Span Beam
Appendix D: Classification of Cross-Sections
Appendix E: Torsion and Lateral Torsional Deflection
Appendix F: Plastic resistance with Transverse Bending
Appendix G: Interaction of Shear and Bending at Supports


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