

075 - Fire Safety in Open Car Parks: Modern Fire Engineering

Código: ET-FSOCP

Autor: ECCS

Editora: CMM

Número de Páginas: 110

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 1993

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Na Europa, a protecção contra incêndios exigida nos parques de estacionamento abertos diferem bastante de país para país. Enquanto uma estrutura metálica não pretegida é permitida na Alemanha, o mesmo não acontece em França, onde é necessária uma resistência de 90 minutos ao fogo.
Esta nota técnica preparada pelo TC3 (Fire safety of Steel Structures) da ECCS, mostra que em certas condições os parques de estacionamento abertos em edifícios, não necessitam de protecção especial contra incêndios.

The fire requirements applying to the Open Car Parks are quite different from one country to the other in Europe. While an unprotected steel structure is allowed in Germany, it is not permitted in France where a fire resistance of 90 minutes is required.
In order to bring the fire requirement regulations together, the Technical Working Group 3.3 of ECCS has decided to publish the Technical Note N°75 "Fire Safety in Open Car Parks" which concludes that no special fire protection measure is needed for the steel structures of Open Car Parks.
1. Introduction
2. Comparison of Existing Standards
3. Characteristics of na Open Car Park
4. Real Fires and Fire Tests in the World
4.1 Real Fires
4.2 Worldwide Fire Tests
4.3 Car Fire Tests in Finland
5. Fire Models and Scenarios
5.1 A Rate of Heat Release Model for a Burning Car
5.2 Car Fire Model
5.3 Fire Scenarios
6. Air Temperature Calculations
6.1 Calculation Methods
6.2 Validations of Methods
6.3 Fire Scenario 1
6.4 Fire Scenario 2
7. Temperature Field in the Structure
7.1 Calculation Methods
7.2 Fire Scenario 1
8. Structural Behaviour
8.1 General
8.2 Static Simulation of the Entire Structure with CEFICOSS
8.3 Static Simulation with SISMEF
9. Conclusions and Rules for Design Practice
9.1 General
9.2 System Dimensions
9.3 Construction Rules
9.4 Final Remark
10. Examples of Unprotected Steel Open Car Park Structures

Appendix A: Coloured Photographs, Graphs and Diagrams
Appendix B: Bibliography


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