Nesta brochura foca-se a obtenção de uma protecção activa contra a corrosão em estruturas metálicas em diferentes ambientes naturais. Através de cinquenta exemplos práticos, demonstra-se como melhorar o dimensionamento de elementos construtivos. São-nos ainda apresentados conselhos para a escolha da pintura adequada, dependendo das diferentes superfícies, bem como das suas propriedades mecânicas e estéticas, da durabilidade desejada e das condições ambientais. Outros aspectos importantes referidos são a preparação e os procedimentos de pintura, a protecção das ligações aparafusadas e rebitadas.
This booklet deals with the achievement of an active protection against corrosion in different natural environments of steel structures. By means of fifty concrete examples it is shown how to improve the design of the constructional elements in order to avoid entrapment of moisture and to allow a correct maintenance. Advices are given for a correct choice of the paint system for galvanized surfaces, taking into account the mechanical and aesthetic properties, the requested durability and the environmental conditions. Surface preparation, painting procedures, protection of bolted and riveted connections are other important topics of this booklet.
I. Introduction
II. Corrosive Environments
a. Corrosion in Air
b. Corrosion in Soil
c. Corrosion in Water
d. Practical Classification
III. The Different Types of Protection Against Corrosion
a. Chemical resistant and Corrosion Inhibition Coatings
b. Anti-Corrosion Protection achieved by a Surface Treatment giving Galvanic Protection
c. Zinc Coating plus Painting (Duplex Systems)
IV. Achievement of an Effective protection
a. Design Approach
b. Riveted and Bolted Connections
c. Preparation of the Surface
V. Techniques of Surface Preparation
a. New Constructions
b. Grades of Surface Finish
c. Maintenance
VI. Painting of Steel Surfaces
a. Painting Schemes
b. Paint Storage
c. Painting Operation
d. Choice of the Painting System
VII. Painting of Zinc Coated Surfaces
a. General Considerations for Correct Selection of the Paint System and Application Procedure
b. Practical Recommendations and Examples of Paint Systems
VIII. Conclusion