

EuroSteel 2008 - 2 Volumes

ISBN: 92014700090

Autor: ECCS

Editora: CMM

Número de Páginas: 1902

Idioma: Português

Data Edição: 2008

18,90 €21,00 €
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Eurosteel 2008 was jointly organized by the three universities, the Graz University of Technology (Austria), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the Vienna University of Technology (Austria), which comprise an area of similar historical and cultural background in the southern part of Central Europe.

Eurosteel 2008 was the 5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, presenting a European forum for both researchers and practitioners in this field. 313 papers from 40 countries demonstrate the success of the original idea and the progress made through the four preceding conferences.
The proceedings of the conference Eurosteel 2008 give a picture of the state of the art of steel and composite structures worldwide. They comprise contributions from the field of “practice-research-new materials”. All papers were reviewed by a scientific committee of international experts.
Chapters of volume A
- Cold formed sections
- Composite bridges
- Composite construction
- Connections
- Dynamics
- Eurocodes
- Fatigue
- Glass

Chapters of volume B
- Fire
- High strength steel
- Plates
- Practice
- Refurbishment
- Seismic
- Shells
- Stability
- Steel bridges
- Steel frames
- Strength


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