Gérard Maral was appointed Professor of the University Paul Sabatier in 1970 and joined the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST) in 1984 as a full-time Professor and subsequently developed the ENST Site at the University of Toulouse and its Satellite Communications Systems Educational and Research Programme. In 2003, he set up the Master of Sciences in Aerospace Communications Systems for ENST on its Toulouse site. He is a well-known international expert and lecturer in satellite communications. Michel Bousquet is Professor at the Ecole Nationale Aeronautique et Espace (SUPAERO), where he manages the graduate and post-graduate programmes in Aerospace Electronics and Communications. He is also Affiliate Professor at ENST, Associate Lecturer at University of Surrey and Faculty member of the International Space University (ISU), and has over 20 years of teaching and research experience. He is a member of the boards of the International Journal of Satellite Communications and Wireless Personal Communications Journal, and session chairman of several international IEEE and AIAA conferences.