
David Scott

David Scott, EdD, is associate dean for research and information management in the college of education at the University of New Mexico. He received his bachelor of science in physical education from Texas A&M University, his master of science in physical education from Midwestern State University, and his doctor of education in physical education with specialization in sport administration from the University of Northern Colorado. Scott began his career as a teacher and coach of multiple sports in public schools and eventually coached intercollegiate football at the NAIA and NCAA Division II level. His university teaching has included undergraduate and graduate courses in exercise science; sport leadership; organizational theory for sport; administration of sport personnel; public relations in health, physical education, and health; principles of coaching; and management concepts for sport and fitness. He has also advised numerous doctoral dissertations, graduate students in sport administration, athletes, and undergraduate physical education majors.

Scott’s research emphasis is leadership and organizational behavior in sport organizations, with a secondary interest in predictive data mining for sport management. He also has an interest in coaching and athletic administration education and conducts workshops dealing with various aspects of leadership and management training for coaches and athletic administrators. He has published research and conceptual articles in several refereed journals, including Journal of Sport Management, Quest, International Journal of Sport Management, International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, and Journal of Contemporary Athletics. He has also published several book chapters and has presented at multiple state, national, and international conferences. Scott is a member of the North American Society for Sport Management and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

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